Slate Digital Virtual Mix Rack 2.0

Slate Digital Virtual Mix Rack 2.0

  • $0.00

We first looked at the Slate Digital Virtual Mix Rack or VMR in our February 2016 issue. Version 2.0 was released just before we went to press, and I took the opportunity to take a quick look at the subtle but significant retooling of VMR’s look, layout, and functions.

Virtual Mix Rack is a suite of plug-ins designed by modeling guru Fabrice Gabriel and the Steven Slate team. VMR launches in your DAW as a modular plug-in rack enclosure that you then populate with any combination and order of available VMR plug-ins. VMR comes stock with the Mix Bundle One: the FG-S (SSL) and FG-N (Neve) EQs, FG-401 (modified SSL), FG-116 (1176LN), and Monster (all-buttons-in 1176) compressors, Trimmer (metering/trim/phase reverse), and the unique and handy Revival audio enhancer.

From there, you can add on modules of your choice, including console channel models, preamps, enhancers, compressors, and a recent addition that I hope to review in a future issue: a VMR edition of the Audified U37B tube compressor plug-in. There are dozens of modules, many of them conveniently bundled to give you lots of choices for your money.