Slate Digital Virtual Mix Rack 2.0
We first looked at the Slate Digital Virtual Mix Rack or VMR in our February 2016 issue. Version 2.0 was released just before we went to press, and I took the opportunity to take a quick look at the subtle but significant retooling of VMR’s look, layout, and functions.
Virtual Mix Rack is a suite of plug-ins designed by modeling guru Fabrice Gabriel and the Steven Slate team. VMR launches in your DAW as a modular plug-in rack enclosure that you then populate with any combination and order of available VMR plug-ins. VMR comes stock with the Mix Bundle One: the FG-S (SSL) and FG-N (Neve) EQs, FG-401 (modified SSL), FG-116 (1176LN), and Monster (all-buttons-in 1176) compressors, Trimmer (metering/trim/phase reverse), and the unique and handy Revival audio enhancer.
From there, you can add on modules of your choice, including console channel models, preamps, enhancers, compressors, and a recent addition that I hope to review in a future issue: a VMR edition of the Audified U37B tube compressor plug-in. There are dozens of modules, many of them conveniently bundled to give you lots of choices for your money.